I really don't know life at all
Så som livet är, så fortsätter det. Jag oroar mig för tentor och pengar. Sånt som människor oroar sig över. Men att oroa sig är lika lönsamt som att försöka lösa en ekvation genom att tugga tuggummi.
Någon gång nästa år kanske jag jobbar med att hjälpa människor. Att se människor. Att möta dom är dom är just nu. Men det är ett annat kapitel.
Börjar längta till en sandstrand med en iskall öl i handen, spela hysteriska strandlekar med min familj, pussa på Jonny under en palm. Sånt där som man lätt kan längta efter en regnig decemberdag.
Nu ska jag baka bröd.
If your ever wanna fall in love
Winter winds
Tills dess har vi långa, sega morgnar med för många koppar kaffe och för många avsnitt av Vänner. Och det duger ju alldeles fint.
The last page of our story
När jag sedan började inse hur det var... var det för sent.
Han var en del av mig. Jag trodde så jävla mycket på att kärleken kunde övervinna allt, att jag tappade bort mig själv Allt jag levde för, var att försäkra mig om att han mådde bra.
När jag fattade beslutet att flytta hem.... så kändes det som om jag skulle dö. Av saknad. Att jag lämnat honom när han behövde mig som mest??? Var det JAG som var galen? Jag kommer ihåg hur fruktansvärt det kändes att inte vara ett team med honom längre.
Men samtidigt hur jag valde min familj. Valde min familj och Sverige framför den mardrömmen som var min verklighet i London.
Men vem visste att jag skulle sakna någon som egentligen ville mig illa? Ingen kan veta det. Det var något jag gick lära mig själv. Och när jag bestämde mig för att aldrig nånsin ha med honom att göra - det var då jag började läka.
Och nu, månader senare, har jag hittat tillbaka till mig själv. Jag har inte läkt ännu.
Men jag hatar honom inte längre. Jag har däremot förlåtit mig själv för att jag älskade honom. Och det har gjort att jag kan älska mig själv igen, bit by bit.
And now you're nothing to me
Say, would you let me cry on your shoulder?
I've heard that you've tried anything twice.
And my heart is open to you
I died a hundred times
It's always darkest before the dawn
Future me
"I know it’s hard. I’ve been there. In love with someone who hurt me.
I’ve tried telling myself that everything is fine and it’s all going to work out somehow. Convinced myself that I could make things better. I’ve taken on the mission to bring back the perfect relationship so that I didn’t have to leave. Stayed on my best behavior. I’ve been brave and forgiving and promised that I would always be there.
I’ve tried to rationalize away the feelings. Ripped up pictures. Given myself pep talks about why I deserve more. Reached out to other people for help. Tried drinking until I was numb. Pretended like I didn’t care. I’ve practiced the conversation in my head over and over of exactly how I would say each word “I can’t be with you anymore. You’re not good for me. I’m leaving you.” Only to feel the terror pull back the words before they make it through my lips.
Back and forth I’ve gone. Back and forth. Losing pieces of myself. Slowly. Like grains of sand falling through an hourglass. Counting down until I was completely empty and numb. And then I’ve thought, “Maybe I’m the crazy one. Maybe I’m just lucky that anyone loves me. Maybe this is as good as it gets.”
I know what it’s like to be in a place where the only thing worse than staying is leaving. And the only things worse than leaving is to stay.
I know what it’s like to feel loneliest when you are with laying right next to someone. I know how hard those nights are. The ones spent staring at the numbers on the clock as they change, one by one, second by second through the night. I know the painful mornings. Standing in the shower staring at the water falling down the drain, hardly feeling the drops against my face. I know the coldness of the bathroom tile against my cheek. I’ve laid there, on that floor with you. Praying. Wishing. Silently begging for someone to help me and to tell me what I am supposed to do.
If you are wondering if there’s something better out there…if there’s more in store for you, the answer is yes.
Yes. Yes. Yes. A million, trillion times, YES.
There is so much more in life. More love. More adventures. More heartbreak too, but also more growing and learning. If you are stuck in a relationship with someone who hurts you, you might not be able to see it right now, but don’t let go of the promise of something more. Listen to that nagging voice inside that knows deep down that you deserve better. You are so much stronger than you think. You’re so much smarter than you know. You’re fucking awesome and you only get this one life to be the person you were made to be. Don’t give that life to someone else. Don’t let it go. Don’t feel guilty or selfish about fighting for yourself. You owe it to the universe. To whatever God you believe in. To your children (current or future). You owe it to that person out there that you might not have met yet that wants to love you the right way. But most importantly, you owe it to yourself.
I used to wait for a sign. For some outside source to tell me that I wasn’t going nuts and that I needed to get out. Get away. Start fighting for myself. If you are like me, and are waiting for a sign….this is it. From someone who has been to the deepest depth of the hell of abuse. From someone who believed it was impossibile to break up with my abuser. From someone who could barely make it through the night a few years ago… Trust me. It’s hard. It hurts like hell. But leave. It is the most important thing you will ever do. He’s not going to change. Things aren’t going to get better if you stay. You already know what you should do so trust yourself."
“Future you” says thanks.
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Life after you
now my heart is full
You help me breath
this is the year
how much greener the grass is
if you find yourself caught inlove
it won't hurt when the killing is done by a friend
always trust your gut feeling
and you take bad to new extremes
we're all outlaws
if you're trying to save me stop holding your breath